NHS Dentist

NHS Dentist Finder- Get the Best Dentist Near You

How do I find a dentist near me who offers treatment on the NHS?

NHS is needed

It would be nice to think that it was easy for anyone who wanted it,to access good-quality NHS dental services easily however an NHS dentist can be difficult to find. There is no need to register with a dentist as you would with your GP in a certain catchment area. You can, with the help of Dentists Near Me find a dentist who offers NHS treatment and who is in a location to suit you. You can then phone them to see what appointments are available.


Not every dental practice will be able to take on new NHS patients and sometimes if they have a full quota you might have to go on a waiting list and wait for when the dentistis able to accept new NHS patients.

How much will I have to pay for dental treatment on the NHS?

If you have to pay for your NHS dental treatment, the amount you spend will depend on what treatment you need.Check if you are eligible for free dental treatment, as some people do not have to pay.


These are the current NHS dental charges that are split into three charge bands:


Band 1:


£19.70 covers an examination, diagnosis and advice. If necessary, it also includes X-rays, a scale and polish and planning for further treatment.


Band 2:


£53.90 covers all treatment covered by Band 1, plus additional treatment, such as fillings, root canal treatment and removing teeth (extractions).


Band 3:


£233.70 covers all treatment covered by Bands 1 and 2, plus more complex procedures, such as crowns, dentures and bridges.

What if I need more treatment after completing one of the band treatments?

If you need more treatment from the same charge band or a lower one within two months of completing a treatment – for instance if another filling is needed, then you won't have to pay any more.


However, if two months has passed after yourcompleted course of treatment you will have to pay the appropriate NHS charge Band for that treatment.

What about emergency or urgent treatment on the NHS?

In the case of emergency or urgent need then the payment will be the Band 1 payment of £18.80.


Most urgent treatments need only one appointment to be sorted out. If you do need more than oneappointment and if you go back to the same dentist to have that urgent treatment, the Band 1 urgent charge should be all that you need to pay.


Once the urgent course of treatment has been completed, you may be advised to make another appointment so that you can continue with a course of non-urgent treatment. In this case, you will go back to the relevant Band charge for that treatment.


If you are exempt from paying you will not have to pay for:

  • Denture repairs
  • For removal of stiches
  • For stopping any blood loss
  • For a prescription that your dentist writesalthough if you pay for your prescriptions, the usual charge will apply
  • Personal dental treatment plan

Your dentist should always give you a personal treatment plan before any treatment from Band 2 or 3. This plan will detail the treatment and the amount you’ll have to pay. You’ll should read and then sign the plan.


If you've talked about having any private treatment with your dentist, those details and costs will be listed on your treatment plan separately.


Before having any dental treatment, you should always talk to over with your dentist the benefits and any risks of the treatment involved.

Paying for treatment

Your dentist is entitled to ask you for payment at any stage of the treatment. Ask about this as payment policies vary between practices,

Referral to another dentist

If you are referred to another dentist to complete any treatment, you will still only have to pay one Band charge and the full amount will bepaid to the referring dentist.


If you agree to be referred for treatment to a private dentist you will:


Pay the relevant NHS Band charge to the referring dentist, and also pay a fee for any dental work carried out by the private dentist you have been referred to.


Dentists Near Me will be able to help you identify an NHS dentist at a location convenient to you.